evening my dears. been a goodgood four-day weekend, but now it's back to school, with a slightly new schedule. It's Veteran's Day tomorrow, so at least we don't have as much school as usual, and we have to sing (the choir). I'm also in an all girls little singing group now outside the choir, and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun. And for some odd reason we're kinda into the whole "Mean Girls"-christmas preformance now, so this should get pretty interesting.
Anyways..Over to something totally different. Here in my town, beautiful Blue Earth, the votes ended up going in McCain's favour, which I guess I wasn't really surprised about. I have to admit that his concession speech was extremely good and so was Obama's victory speech, chills...
Busy week now, but I'll talk to you as soon as possible
You're the best buds
Love L