fredag 10. april 2009


Came home from Chicago late monday night, but have been so busy with track so haven't had time to post anything, but here it is. Since it was a choir trip we travelled like all other mucisians on tour - with (not very comfy) buses. We actually didnt sing a whole lot, but it was still fun and we got to see a lot of what chicago has to offer. We ended up visiting a lot of museums, wich is okay, The Art Institute of Chicago was amazing, and 2,5 hours there was definitely not enough. We sang at very random places at times, like in elevators and lines and stuff, so i feel we definitely entertained chicago's tourists. I still hadn't recovered a hundred percent from hawaii so i was kinda tired the whole trip, but at the end there i had some energy to do som bargains, so news in my wardrobe too. not bad.
i can't wait to get back to norway now, im so amazingly excited.

onsdag 1. april 2009

waikiki my friends

Couple of days since i came home now, and to be honest, it still sucks. everything seems kinda dull.. and cold. but im leaving for chicago tmw night so hopefully that'll bump up the mood a little bit. well, hawaii was incredible, it was one perfect week, and i was just smiling all the time. & im pretty sure everyone else were too, so yeah, happy happy. we went surfing, snorkling at hanuma bay, went to a sweet culture center & just lived life. how awesome is that. im definitely going back. i miss you cousins!
hang loose
more pictures are definitely coming up

lørdag 21. mars 2009

travelling pants

morning! im in denver, colorado right now waiting for my next plane to san fran. i do have the feeling that this is gonna be a long four hours.. i left minneapolis early this morning and got quite the scoop of drama before i was ready to get on the plane. jeff, who took me to the airport left when we got to there, so i just went to check in my luggage and everything right away. my suitcase was like 15 pounds overweight so i had to pay extra. well i gave them my creditcard, but it didn't work..surprise. so there i was standing, without money, and nowhere to go. i called around and luckily jeff came back with money and saved the day. it was about 25 minutes till my plane was gonna leave when he came, so i pretty much ran through security ha. but i was there in time and everyhting ended well, so five for that.

i called nikki 10 min ago to tell her that i was i denver, and so is she. but i don't know if her hostparent will take her to the airport, and i can't really start finding my ways around in denver, that would be a little too risky.

well i think im gonna go find someone to talk to now, so i will either write some more during my lay over in san fran or when i get to honolulu!
have a nice day!

søndag 15. mars 2009

to decorah and back again

this weekend has been very nice, the sun is shining and aah, i just want spring now. Friday we went to the girls' basketball game, which we were sure we were gonna loose, but hallelujah we won, and now we're going to state! Saturday we went to decorah, which is a very cute little norwegian town. we pretty much just went there to pick out my senior pictures and say hi to family, and to get some melkesjokolade of course.

torsdag 12. mars 2009

track it down

Had my first track & field practice today, and it was fun! I was a little bit nervous, but it's not bad at all. The coach is really chill, so we don't have to push ourselves too hard if we don't want to. I'm gonna do long distance (1 & 2 mile probably), so from now on I will have to run outside every day, but it's okay since it's cold.. then you're at least not dying of heat. So yeah, im very excited for this to start for real!

We don't have school tomorrow, so three-day weekend
have a nice one everybody

mandag 9. mars 2009

Guidet tur gjennom Blue Earth

It's 5.53 am and I just finished my Personal Philosophy Paper. It's 37 minutes till I would have to get up so I don't really see the point in going to bed, so... I won't. Track starts today, I'm excited, but also a little bit nervous, cuz as we all now im not the most athlethic person, but shizzle happens.. When Audrey and I were driving home from Country kitchen yesterday I made her stop various places on the way home just so i could make this guided tour post ha. spenn fast setebeltene, for dude, dette blir ekstremt

velkommen velkommen

her serveres den beste potet suppa i verden. loep aa kjoep!

grocery store maa man ha.

vi er ganske moderne, denne fine tingen skifter mellom grader, klokkeslett, og aksjestuff!

flagg paa skolen har vi ogsaa

The green giant (skjekk mais boksene deres!) turister kommer faktisk faar aa se this stud

john deere - beste traktorn du kan faa tak i saa det saa

jeg er hvertfall ikke troett

torsdag 5. mars 2009

uff da

I've had an odd circadian rythm lately.. wow that word is weird, c-i-r-c-a-d-i-a-n, i think i spelled it right, ha. so okay, i sleep when i come home from school which is around 3.30 till like 11 pm, when everyone in this house is going to bed. then i make supper or yeah, microwave something.. I eat, and i'm up till around 2 in the morning. i get up at 5 again to do my homework. then at 6 i go back to sleep for like 40 min, which is pretty retarded.. then i get up and shower and leave for school. so yeah, i shall change this before next week, cuz im wasting a lot of time on zzz...
here comes some more verrryrandoms just because
this is the tennis court, and right behind all those trees lies...
la casa! fint hus i maroon

among the people living in this house we have tea joy

i found this picture the other day. from commando hike with Fay at camp. hopefully we get to go commando hiking on hawaii!

tirsdag 24. februar 2009


god tur til line og mariell! watch out for sharks.
randoms from the weekEND



mandag 16. februar 2009


So, i have an excuse for not updating the last couple of months. I lost my camera.. But now i have a new one, and im gonna be really good from now on. I dont really have that much to say, except from the fact that it has been freezing here in Minnesota lately. Luckily its getting better and we can actually go to school. Not that that is so great, but yeah. This weekend has been awesome, I went down to Mariell in Kansas, and now im just happy and smiling all the time, cuz that really did me good, and holy we had fun!
Mariell has a bunch of pictures on her blog so i won't bother to post them here.
love you all

its Siri's birthday today, or technically it was yesterday, but: