- Been in Madelia for three days at Anna & Henni's house, thursday we painted their room, then we went to New Ulm for shopping, and in the evening we went to Madelia High School for a sports meeting thing. Later that night I also got to meet a potential host family.
- On friday we got up really early to go to Mall of America. awesome.. we bought a ton of stuff there. we also got to go to IKEA, and we ate swedish food and we actually met some swedish people
- Today (saturday, or i guess it's sunday now..) I went back to my IEC and we were supposed to go and get Julia from Taiwan at the airport. But then another IEC in the area called and said she maybe had found a family for me. So, I met up with this other IEC, and she took me to Blue Earth, a city that's a little bit bigger then Madelia. Then I met the family at their house and they showed me around and stuff. After that we went to the pool place and hung out their with their two amazing daughters.
Status: So, i'm staying with this family till monday and if we all feel comfortable i'll move in here and this will be my hostfamily. and till now everything has worked out great, and this is really like the dream family, i mean, i've only been here one day, but they seem awesome. Another thing is that i'll have to change school from madelia to blue earth high school, and thats very ok with me.
To night I hung out with some people from blue earth. we were at this guys house and it was huge, it was really nice. we had a bonfire thing, hung out in the hot tub and in the pool. they have water slide in the back yard...pretty cool. and it was great meeting people at my age this soon.
as you probably have understand by now, i'm doing great, and this is waaay cool. i really have to get some sleep now though, catch up later!
a few raaandom pictures from my three weeks in america
inside mall of america, yes there's actually an ammusment park there..crazy, we never did any of the rollercoasters though, we just went shopping
on our way to class at camp
2 kommentarer:
Her har vi Lene jo!
Hvordan er livet i Minesota? Bare supert, ikkesant? ;D
Nå sitter jeg her klar for min første soccertrening om 8 timer.. uff! Håper du har det kos! (:
take care!
Markus fra flyet ;p
Dette er saa kuuult!! Det er som aa bo i Syden, bare at folk snakker et spraak jeg forstaar, og alle gater og veier ser ut som paa film!!! Woohoo!!
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