It's lille juleaften already, and time has been flying lately. From thanksgiving till now has felt like a maximum of 3 days. But what to do, what to do.. It's christmas break so I have nothing to complain about, and I'm really excited for everything. We're gonna go up north today to have christmas up there, and then we'll be back on saturday, so I really just wanted to say
God Jul!
Feliz Navidad!
Joyeux Noël!
Frohe Weihnachten!
Love L
stoooor nisseklem
tirsdag 23. desember 2008
fredag 19. desember 2008
time for a break
Was supposed to be last day of school before chritmas, but instead we got another SNOWDAY. It's freezing here now, it was -30 degrees celsius the other night! I've had a lot of fun lately, but i do miss you guys now that it's christmas and everyhting. And i hope your christmas will be amazing, and i hope you get snow! Unfortunatley i dont have a lot of pictures to share with you, but i do have some from our xmas concert last thurday, which eas a very good concert if i can say so myself ha ha. We sand "Jeg er saa glad hver Julekveld" and you can just imagine how big of a challenge it was to teach the whole choir of like 90 people to sing in norwegian, but it turned out good, and people were crying of joy (ha ha) so mission accomplished. I'm so glad it's finally xmas break now, i can't wait to sleep in every day.
talk to you sooner that soon
Love L

The little group i'm in, Buccaneirs, preforming "Santa Baby"

Men of Note

The choir preforming a nigerian xmas carol, "Betelehemu", the picture kind of speaks for itself.. ha ha
and: Happy birthday to Elsy (last tuesday) and to Andrea today! loves
talk to you sooner that soon
Love L
The little group i'm in, Buccaneirs, preforming "Santa Baby"
Men of Note
The choir preforming a nigerian xmas carol, "Betelehemu", the picture kind of speaks for itself.. ha ha
and: Happy birthday to Elsy (last tuesday) and to Andrea today! loves
tirsdag 9. desember 2008
mandag 8. desember 2008
New Sports Season
Now that fall season is over, all the school sport are being changed. So no cross country, volleyball or football anymore. These are being changed to basketball, gymnastics and WRESTELING. I've never really seen wrestling before, and i didn't think i would like it, but oh my word, it's so much fun! It's just crazy boys and a lot of drama. Very violent in other words, and it's actually very entertaining.. i don't know how good that sounded..
We were supposed to have our christmas concert with the choir today, but because of all the snow that is blowing in it was cancelled. And there is a possibility that school gets cancelled tomorrow too, so i'm hoping they'll announce it "snowday" on the radio in the morning, so..stay tuned
i miss u guys a lot,
Love L
BEA wrestling cheerleaders
Matt in action
addison grace, i love u
mandag 1. desember 2008
I was really excited for my first thanksgiving (in Alexandria up north in Minnesota), but as lucky as I was, I got sick. The whole family has been half-way sick for a long time now, so it was finally my turn. So Thanksgiving day was not that good, I practically slept through the whole day, but I did manage to get up and get some good thanksgiving food. And that is pretty much what this holiday is about, food. Not that that is bad.. The friday after thanksgiving is called Black Friday, which some how means, SALE. Big time sale, the department stores open at like 4 am. and people line up from midnight to get in first. We refused to do that, so we left the house at the morning. Then followed 6 hours of shopping, which mostly included waiting in line. And yes, I bought a camera! Finally. So since I got sick I don't really have any pictures to share with you, but I'll post a picture that is taken with my new camera!

Take care everyone
Love L
mandag 24. november 2008
life is good in blue earth
mandag 17. november 2008
battle of the bands
mandag 10. november 2008
evening my dears. been a goodgood four-day weekend, but now it's back to school, with a slightly new schedule. It's Veteran's Day tomorrow, so at least we don't have as much school as usual, and we have to sing (the choir). I'm also in an all girls little singing group now outside the choir, and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun. And for some odd reason we're kinda into the whole "Mean Girls"-christmas preformance now, so this should get pretty interesting.
Anyways..Over to something totally different. Here in my town, beautiful Blue Earth, the votes ended up going in McCain's favour, which I guess I wasn't really surprised about. I have to admit that his concession speech was extremely good and so was Obama's victory speech, chills...
Busy week now, but I'll talk to you as soon as possible
You're the best buds
Love L
Anyways..Over to something totally different. Here in my town, beautiful Blue Earth, the votes ended up going in McCain's favour, which I guess I wasn't really surprised about. I have to admit that his concession speech was extremely good and so was Obama's victory speech, chills...
Busy week now, but I'll talk to you as soon as possible
You're the best buds
Love L
tirsdag 4. november 2008
happy election day!
so the day is finally here, and it's amazing how split up it seems to be. Even my hostfamily is split up, so we're really excited to see the results, i'm guessing this whole evening will be spent in front of the tv.. I was so surprised when I first came here, cuz there's actually a great deal of people that are for McCain, YOUNG people. So no matter what. there's gonna be some crabby faces at school tomorrow. oh well, we don't have any other choice than to just wait and see..

torsdag 30. oktober 2008
Short little update here, i'll have a good one at the end of this weekend! We had a Harvest Choir Concert on tuesday, so that was fun, we kind of screwed up a little bit, but I don't think anyone noticed. Other than that I haven't done anything too spectacular this week, but tomorrow is gonna be fun, since halloween is really big here and stuff. so party party! haha!

I do have a kind of sad message though, Kathrine from camp went home to norway last weekend, because she didn't get along with her hostfamily. Her, Anette and me were gonna go to hawaii together so that's kinda sad, but Anette and me are still gonna go. excited!
Kathrine; see you when we come home, miss u
I don't have any pictures from the choir concert, but im gonna post some pictures from camp this summer!
Love L
two bookworms & a wannabe
me, anette & kathrine!
søndag 26. oktober 2008
a handful of foreigners
We had a foreign exchange student thing yesterday, kind of pre-halloween thing. Halloween is a really big deal here, so next weekend should be interesting! So we went to this haunted house or ghost house or whatever, and we could only go three at a time. It wasn't too scary, but in one room there were like dusins of doors and we had to find our way out, and that was kind of a struggle..but after like 10 minutes we found the right door! Then we went to pizza ranch and then bowling, haha. we didn't really bowl too much though (luckily), we just sat talked about how fat we are getting:)
I have to read a very interesting..hrmf.. book for American Literature now... and study for chemistry
so long, Lene

me, anoushka & mr. sandor hanh
I have to read a very interesting..hrmf.. book for American Literature now... and study for chemistry
so long, Lene
me, anoushka & mr. sandor hanh
onsdag 22. oktober 2008
Minnesota Education Assosiation or something. This simply means a break for the students, some days to sleep in and relax, pretty nice. So we got 5 days off, thursday-tuesday. On thursday I just slept in and caught up with my shows, One Tree Hill, House, Heroes... And I met Kiera for tanning, haha! Friday we went down to Decorah, Iowa again to meet family and to take my Senior Pictures. Senior pictures is a tradition for all seniors, they get their pictures taken by some photographer or some one else, and then they share them with the school and one of them goes to the yearbook. Anyways, it was actually kind of fun, and I got to go to a lot of cool places for my pictures, including a really nice art center at Luther college. Saturday I met up with my EF Camp buddies Henni & Anna cuz it was Henni's birthday. So I spent the weekend at their house and I got to meet their friends and we had a bonfire birthday party kind of thing! AND we had cake:)

Anna (Sweden), Allie (US), Me & Henni(Norway) at an icecream place, yummi
Talk to you soon buddies!

Anna (Sweden), Allie (US), Me & Henni(Norway) at an icecream place, yummi
Talk to you soon buddies!
fredag 17. oktober 2008
Volleyball season is over now, and it feels weird. It's pretty much what I have based my life around the past 3 months. So yeah, that's kinda sad. But I've had so much fun with the team, I mean, practise, games and everything. It's been amazing, and i'm gonna miss it. Here's a few pictures from volleyballseason '08.
No that volleyball is over, maybe I'll have some extra time to blog! And leave comments so I now what you want me to write about and stuff, and it's always nice to hear about home and everything. I'm trying to make this a good place to be updated at, but it takes time, haha
I'll talk to you soon darling friends, hihi
Love L
tirsdag 7. oktober 2008
Just want to share some photos from homecoming week, which btw was very fun! Monday started of with Coronation, which is the night when we crown our King & Queen. Our queen was Danika, who is the captain of the varisty volleyball team, so that was goodgood. The rest of the week was dress up days and games. Enjoy friends!

Coronation. The foreign exchange students had to walk on stage and show of, haha. Tommy, me and Sandor
Class color day, Seniors = Black
80's day. (These are all seniors)
It's a tradition to "TP" the players' and the coaches' houses + the high school, the night before homecoming game. So all thursday night we were out "decorating" around town with toilet paper, silly string and writing on windows etc. It was actually very very fun, jees crazy
Dasha, Niki, me and Miranda ready for what was going to be a long night
Maroon & Gold day, BUC PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry i didn't have any pictures from wednesday, which was bling-day.
I'm gonna buy a new camera very soon, so I'll take a lot of pictures then, but till then I'm just stealing from other nice people.
Love Lene
lørdag 27. september 2008
nice and random
volleyball, homegame
BEA, Tommy, Morgan, Maddie, Sara, Cid, Rylee
Michelle's (IEC) group
sunny sunday
Tommy, me, Sandor (exchangestudents)
that was a really cool ball collecter thingy
taco john's
Date Night
Hannah Garret Montana
nap at Walmart, Kim, me and Garretlørdag 13. september 2008
one game, one wedding, and the best hostfamily ever
Ok, so a short update. I just came home from a wedding, or the reception, it was fun, jees, i was like the only person at my age. Or one sophmore girl, but she left before the party started, haha. It was a typical american wedding, and the band was amazing, a crazy blond in pink snakeleather pants, shoot i should have brought a camera.. 30 and 40 years old are the best dancers, no kidding, they're seriously crazy. my hostdad even danced, what a sight, he and my hostmom, wow they should like enter so you think you can dance or something, haha:D i love my hostfamily, not much more to say about that. anyways.. we had a volleyballgame on thursday and won very comfortably, so everything is nicenice.
talk to you very soon, and take care everybody, im sorry i dont have a lot of pictures to share with you today
btw, my birthday was really good, i got like flowers and balloons sent to me at school and everything, and we won our volleyballgame that day!
talk to you very soon, and take care everybody, im sorry i dont have a lot of pictures to share with you today
btw, my birthday was really good, i got like flowers and balloons sent to me at school and everything, and we won our volleyballgame that day!
theresa and haley
blair and audrey
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